
Skinny Voice Gallery - A Success!

Thanks to our Skinny Voice editors and friends over at Vintage Timeless Coffee, the English department is able to hold a gallery for student and faculty writing and artwork.

The gallery opening was Thursday, Dec. 4 from 8-10 PM at Vintage Timeless Coffee at 150th and Western. The original plan was to have the work up through Sunday, but thanks to the generosity of VTC, we're able to keep it up for about another week - probably until this next weekend.

Here are some pictures of people at the event, and pictures of some of the art and writing following. The poems aren't legible at this size, but if you click to zoom, you should be able to read them.

Thanks to everyone who came to the opening - and if you weren't able to come then, please go visit this week to see everyone's work!

Ashleigh Hess enjoying coffee at the gallery opening.

Sigma Tau Delta President Kate Long with friends.

So many people came to the opening!

Enjoying the writing and artwork.

Wil Norton and Ryan Parker at the gallery.
Artwork by Scott Hill, writing by Mrs. Merle Gatewood.
"The Wind and the Tree"
Artwork by Taylor Goad, poem by Bailey Thomas.

"Thoughts While Running"
Jenna Compton

Artwork by Jacob Cowdin, Poem by Kate Long.

"2.99 Life"
Artwork by Kelsey Brockman, Poem by Abigail Townsend]

Artwork by Tim Krause, Poem (not pictured) by Justin Neill

This is our community poem, which may have more added to it by now.

This is only a very small portion of what is up at VTC right now, so go see it!


November Skinny Voice

The Skinny Voice editors have decided to begin alternating between themed and un-themed issues.  October's issue was focused on "Going Green," which means November's issue is un-themed.  Be as creative as you wish.  

We also would like to hear the things for which you're unthankful.  For example, I'm unthankful for that guy at the grocery store who stands to close to you in line and smiles awkwardly when you look back at him.

Submissions are due by this Friday, November 14.

As always, email your work to theskinnyvoice@gmail.com


Your Skinny Editors


Craft Festival Fun

OC's First Annual Student Craft Festival
was held Saturday, October 25
from 3-6 PM
in the OC Forum.

We had a great time
and we were the top-selling booth at the festival!
Lang/Lit majors are the best!

See how excited Kayla and John are?

Taylor worked on some signage and products for us.

Look at all those great shoppers!

Shoppers again!
Look how much they love our stuff!

All of our great item -
packs of notecards, homemade recycled journals, magnets, cider and cakeballs!

Magnets are great for your fridge or stocking stuffers!

Kaylee and Ryan love the craft fair.

Kate made us a great sign!
We love our lady prez!

She works so hard!

Justin works on prepping for the festival.

What a great veep we have.

John loves the craft festival!

German Chocolate cakeballs! Yum!

Peanut Butter Cakeballs!

John and Kate worked hard at selling

Kayla and John explain the merits of cakeballs.

Looking at homemade recycled journals and notecards!

Everyone loved our booth!

Ben is filling his pockets with cakeballs - they are so good!

Everyone loves Sigma Tau Delta. Especially Ashley!

We had such a great time - we'll be back in the spring!

Halloween Success!

Friday, October 24 was the Annual Department of Language and Literature Halloween party!

The only rules are come in a costume, preferably as a dead literary character.

Annalisa and Jenna

Kate, John and Taylor

Justin...being sneaky?

John and Annalisa setting up for the party

Jaclyn, Kate and Abigail

The whole group!
What a great turnout!

Group shot number two!

Cayla looks very...dead.

We had a really great turnout at the party - can't wait for next year!


Halloween Party

Don't forget, our Halloween party is THIS FRIDAY!

We hope you've been preparing your costumes - we can't wait to see what you've come up with!

Be there - or Moochelle will find you and chase you down the street!

Roy, Taylor and Angela Presented at a Conference!

Taylor Boston, Angela Bebb, and Roy Rhodes all presented papers on subjects related to Jane Austen at the Midwestern/American Society for 18th-century Studies conference.

They excelled! They are stars!


Going Green for Halloween

Sigma Tau Delta members with Bill McKibben

Front row: Dr. R. Scott LaMascus, Wil Norton, Kaylee McDaniel, Jackson Tandy, Bill McKibben, Taylor Walling, and STD President Kate Long
Back row: Angela Bebb, STD Secretary Bailey Thomas, Roy Rhodes, STD Chaplain John Barker, and STD Vice President Justin Neill

The lunch at the Petroleum Club with Bill McKibben was a huge success, and the following evening was great as well. McKibben spoke on the environment and the current climate crisis in a large room in the back of the Student Center. After he spoke (and Roy provided water), he signed books and talked to people in the lobby, in the midst of a reception provided by the department.

All in all, it was interesting and fun, and it was agreed that McKibben was a great choice for this year's McBride Lectureship. We eagerly anticipate next year's Lectureship!

McKibben inspired a lot of ideas for the department and OC to go green, so be looking for opportunities to show up in emails and on this blog.

In other news, our annual Halloween party is Friday, October 24! Come dressed as a dead literary character - or at least a dead person!

See you there!

Have a great week!