

On January 31, 2009, Sigma Tau Delta held a donations-only carwash in the side parking lot of Mardel at 33rd and Boulevard to raise money to help pay for conference fees.

We made $806 in five and a half hours!! Hoorah!

First, a little video to introduce the day:

Angela, Taylor and Ben drying.

Group effort!

We're pretty good at washing cars. Just sayin'.

We had a visit from Memorial Road Church of Christ elder Max Pope!

We were super busy the whole time we were there - look at that line!

We figured out how to dry our towels off this year.

Gotta clean all over - even on top.

Bailey and Ben stopping to pose.

Chapter President Justin Neill showing off his squeegee and chamois skills.

Matt Miller hosing down some tires.

Chaplain Roy Rhodes gets to work.

Dr. Agan and Brandon Chism

English major Wil Norton came to get his car washed! Thanks, Wil!

Taylor Walling with the closed sign we had to make when we finished.

Kayla Saffell had to hold the sign, too - it was so sad how many people we had to turn away!

We had a great time!

We raised $806 and are looking forward to going to
Sigma Tau Delta national conference March 25-29!

Thanks to everyone who worked and everyone who got their cars washed!