
Starting the [08-09] Year

Hey everyone,
Welcome to the official Sigma Tau Delta [Rho Mu] blog, where I'm going to post news, pictures, memories - if it has to do with us, it'll be on here.

I'm still trying to make sure everyone's added to the email list so that everyone can get the emails, but I'll go ahead and post most of my last email on here just as an update.

"We are getting ready to host our Back-to-School Bash! This year it will be a bbq/cook-out at my house (we’ll send out directions as it gets closer). It’s going to be this Friday the 19th at 6 PM and it’s going to be extended to the entire Department of Language and Literature, so be sure to invite your English, TEFL, Spanish, everything LangLit major friends.

Right now I really need to get a head count of people who will be coming. I don’t need it within the next few hours or anything, but if I could get everyone to email me by about Sunday evening or so, we officers will be able to figure out how much food we need to get and what we need to plan. If you could just send me an email saying if you’re coming, that would be great. Spread the word to your friends – we’ll get a department-wide email out soon!"

As of right now, it's Monday and I haven't heard back from anyone except my roommates, so I need to know if you're all coming as soon as possible (by tomorrow!). So PLEASE leave a comment or shoot me an email or something.

Also, submit to the Skinny Voice by midnight on Thursday the 18th! That's this Thursday, so send your poetry, prose, and rants to theskinnyvoice@gmail.com.

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